Graphic design / Illustration show prep
May 31, 2012wsa,graphics,illustration,wsashows2012All Posts,Events,Graphics,Illustration,Students Work,Year 3
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Photography at full steam!
May 29, 2012All Posts,Events,Photography,Students Work,Year 3
Exciting and busy day in the Gallery where photography went from curating mock-up prints to the actual unwrapping and installation of the finished...
Photography students prep gallery
May 28, 2012Reference,Students Work,Year 1,Year 2,Year 3,All Postsshow set-up,Events,wsashows2012,Graphics,Illustration,Motion,Photography
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2012 show prep cont.
May 28, 2012show set-up,wsashows2012All Posts,Events,Graphics,Illustration,Motion,Photography
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2012 show prep
May 28, 2012Year 1,Year 2,Year 3show set-up,wsashows2012,All Posts,Events,Graphics,Illustration,Motion,Photography
Our staff and students are starting to prepare the School for our annual degree show. If you want to come to the show please follow this link to...
What to do in London - Photography
May 21, 2012All Posts,Photography,Reference
Finding the wait for your results too tedious. Why not visit one of the following to take your mind off things! Photographers Gallery: Edward...
Ecstatic alphabets / Heaps of language
May 16, 2012All Posts,Graphics,Illustration,Motion,Photography,Reference
New typography exhibition at Moma is accompanied by a cool website that has a lot of interesting samples of artists working with type and loads of...
Creative Digi Fest (#SXSC) / FREE this Friday
May 16, 2012digital,southamptonAll Posts,Events,Graphics,Illustration,Motion,Photography
Come and meet some great people with interests in the creative industries and digital media. Geek out, talk, hear some great speakers, music, beer –...
Let the Assessment commence
Eloïse struggles to contain her excitement at the prospect of the forthcoming assessment period… On a serious note we are really delighted...
Bookbinding workshop – Tracy Bush
April 27, 2012Year 1,All Posts,Graphics,Illustration,Motion,Photography,Workshops
Tracy Bush has been running bookbinding sessions with our 1st years throughout this week — the students are building on the knowledge they gained...