Year 1 Workshop using text and image
October 21, 2013Students Work,Workshops,Year 1
Year one students undertook a one-day workshop exploring the possibilities of page composition. The aim of the first half of the day was to understand...
Paper Prototyping
October 21, 2013Graphics,Motion,Workshops,Year 2
For the last 2 weeks our Graphic Design and Motion Graphic students have been getting obsessed with a minute detail of a large entity, such as the...
Reading Between the Lines
October 11, 2013Uncategorized,Illustration,Students Work,Year 2,Pathway
Year 2 students presented their exploration of narrative illustration at the interim crit. The diverse and exciting responses to texts by Oscar Wilde,...
October 4, 2013Uncategorized,Events,Reference,Year 1
To continue the energy gained from visiting London, have some bitesize videos: Memory Palace at the V&A Hari Kunzru introduces his book which was...
Y1 Study trip to London!
Today we had a successful and busy expedition to the capital. Starting at the V&A, we encountered memory palace, an exhibition based on a...
A Welcome to Year 1.
September 24, 2013Uncategorized
Please give a big welcome to all our new students. I think we can all see they are very keen to get to know you. Please advice them on student life...
A new hope. (canteen)
September 23, 2013Year 1,Year 2,Year 3
One change you will notice straight away is the rebirth of our canteen into a multi use space, hence the Dj booth. It will not just be the place for...
We are back! (and undergoing construction)
September 2, 2013Year 1,Year 2,Year 3
Staff are starting to trickle back after their well deserved holidays to discover lots of changes to be happening at the canteen and rotunda! In the...
2013 Degree Show — coming soon!!!
June 5, 2013Students Work,Year 3,Events,Graphics,Illustration,Motion,Photography
Check out this super quick Vine video tour of preparations for the Graphic Arts degree show by photography tutor Roel Paredaens. You can also follow...
13.03.13 book launch
13.03.13, a book that documents the 1 day (360 minutes) workshop in anticipation of the visit of Generation Press, was launched last week by Paul and...