Year 2 Motion Graphics C4D workshop

Year 2 Motion Graphics pathway students have been working with Cinema 4D in our Time Based Media studio to produce objects for a series of looping...

Year 2 Motion Graphics

  The Motion Graphics pathway continued the type-based theme for Year 2 Assignment 1.0 with a series of kinetic type animations. Working to...

Contemporary Issues visit to London Galleries

While some Year 1 students and tutors were enjoying studio and gallery visits in Berlin yesterday, many also braved the weather to visit various...

Year 1 Motion Graphics Project

Finally managed to blog about our 2 week Motion Graphics projects for all Level 1 Graphics Arts Students we run just before the Holidays. For this...

Catalogue visit

On Thursday Catalogue from Leeds presented to all pathways in Year 3 within Professional Practice week. Tom and Ollie shared valuable recent...

Year 3 Visual Ethos

Many creative practitioners use a written and visual ethos as a communication to emphasise their own personal stance. Recent Year 3 Graphic Arts...

Workshop week - Motion Graphics

For motion graphics workshop week is an intensive Cinema 4d week. The students are asked to take a character from an Edward Lear poem and translate...

Obsession Critique

2nd Year Graphic Design & Motion Graphic Obsession project part 2 critique. The objective of the project was to research a chosen subject and...

Paper Prototyping

For the last 2 weeks our Graphic Design and Motion Graphic students have been getting obsessed with a minute detail of a large entity, such as the...

2013 Degree Show — coming soon!!!

Check out this super quick Vine video tour of preparations for the Graphic Arts degree show by photography tutor Roel Paredaens. You can also follow...