Graphic Art students visited Berlin last week, which included private gallery tours and studio visits. Several exciting studios were part of the weeks activities including HORT, RE-Surgo & Patrick Thomas Studio. Our Graphic Arts students also met students from Willem de Kooning Academy Holland to discuss living and working in Berlin with HORT’s studio manager Lizzy Legate. The week also coincided with Berlin Fashion week where student were invited to private shows and parties!
Patrick Thomas discussed his early work during the nineties when he founded Studio La Vista in Barcelona. He also talked about recent projects from his class at the Stuttgart Academy of Art & Design in Germany. We ended the visit with a discussion about the relevance of motion graphics today and how it should be embedded into graphic design and illustration.
Some of the key exhibition highlights included St Agnes a converted brutalist concrete church that houses the Koenig galleries, and the Sammlung Boros gallery which is in a converted Second World War bunker complete with penthouse apartment!
A very exciting time was had by all, please take a look at our instagram feed for more imagery #excitingtimesberlin